Make a scrunchie

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Make Your Own Scrunchie

As the school year winds down, hot summer days are ahead. What better way to spend some of those long summer days than making a scrunchie? If you thought that scrunchies were just for girls with long hair, you'd be wrong. Scrunchie's can be used in a variety of ways including:

  • Flower bouquet decoration
  • Gift package tie
  • Card deck holder
  • Glass condensation catcher
  • Preserve jar decoration
  • Flower pot decoration
  • Bracelet
  • Anklet
  • Curtain tiebacks
  • Pencil stack holder
  • Door knob decoration
  • Bookmark band
  • Lamp decoration
  • Light fixture chain decoration
  • Bottle decorations

What You Will Need


So how do you begin a project like this? Well, first you need materials! Below is a list of things you will need in order to start.

  • Fabric Rectangle 16 ½" x 5"Girl with a scrunchie in her hair
  • Elastic: 10" of ¼"
  • 1 Large Safety Pin
  • 1 Small Safety Pin
  • Needle and thread-unless there is a sewing machine available

Once you have your materials, make sure you have a parent or guardian present as needles are sharp objects and you could get hurt.


Okay now you're ready to begin work on a scrunchie! Although the instructions look difficult, don't worry, the project isn't as hard as it sounds! Follow the directions below to create your own homemade scrunchie.

  1. Fold the fabric along the long sides together to make a long tube-16 ½" by 2"
  2. Stitch the long edge together about ½" from the edge. Turn the tube right side out.
  3. Use the small safety pin to pin one end of the elastic to the scrunchie at one end of the tube. This will keep you from losing the elastic as you thread it through.
  4. Pin the large safety pin to the other end of the elastic and then use it to thread the elastic through the scrunchie.
  5. Take both ends of the elastic and tie a knot, leaving 2" of elastic sticking out past the knot when you are done.
  6. Now tuck the raw edges of the tube in, tuck the elastic ends in, and sew the two sides together, finishing the tube.


  • (ISBN 1584110295
  • (ISBN 0696216590
  • (ISBN 0761323910